FFRDC Members

  • The Aerospace Corporation
  • Carnegie Mellon University / Software Engineering Institute
  • Center for Naval Analysis
  • Institute for Defense Analyses
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Lincoln Laboratory
  • The MITRE Corporation
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Rand Corporation
  • Sandia National Laboratories

UARC Members

  • Georgia Institute of Technology / Georgia Tech Research Institute
  • Howard University
  • Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory
  • Pennsylvania State University / Applied Research Laboratory
  • University of Alaska Fairbanks / Geophysical Institute
  • University of Hawaii at Manoa / Applied Research Laboratory
  • University of Maryland / Applied Research Laboratory
  • University of Nebraska / National Strategic Research Institute
  • University of Texas at Austin / Applied Research Laboratories
  • University of Washington / Applied Research Laboratory
  • Utah State University / Space Dynamics Laboratory

Become a Member

To become a member of the FFRDC/UARC Security Council fill out the membership application form. Complete the Applicant’s Information section then email it to your organization’s Executive Member. The Executive Member will complete the form and submit to John Tunell. To find out who your organization’s Executive Member is, check out the Leadership page.

Being on a Working Group requires active participation and time commitment. If you are interested and able to actively participate, please select a working group on the application form.

Membership Form